Se unen el príncipe Enrique y Oprah Winfrey en una serie para Apple sobre salud mental

El príncipe Enrique y la presentadora estadunidense Oprah Winfrey se han unido para la creación y producción de una serie documental sobre la salud mental, la cual será presentada a través del nuevo servicio de “streaming” de Apple.


El duque de Sussex informo mediante Instagram, que el proyecto saldr\u00e1 a la luz en 2020, tratara tanto de enfermedades mentales como del bienestar mental y adem\u00e1s tienen como objetivo inspirar a los espectadores a tener una conversaci\u00f3n honesta sobre el tema a los que se enfrentan.

De acuerdo a la publicaci\u00f3n, la serie se basa en el extenso trabajo del nieto de la Reina, en temas e iniciativas relacionadas con la salud mental y recoge su propia experiencia personal.

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We are excited to announce that The Duke of Sussex and Oprah Winfrey are partners, co-creators and executive producers on their forthcoming mental health series launching on Apple in 2020. The pair have been developing the series for several months and are looking forward to sharing such an important project on this global platform. The dynamic multi-part documentary series will focus on both mental illness and mental wellness, inspiring viewers to have an honest conversation about the challenges each of us faces, and how to equip ourselves with the tools to not simply survive, but to thrive. This commitment builds on The Duke of Sussex\u2019s long-standing work on issues and initiatives regarding mental health, where he has candidly shared personal experience and advocated for those who silently suffer, empowering them to get the help and support they deserve. His Royal Highness has spent many years working with communities throughout the UK and young people across the Commonwealth to break the stigma surrounding mental illness and broaden the conversation of mental wellness to accelerate change for a more compassionate, connected and positive society. Quote from HRH: \u201cI truly believe that good mental health – mental fitness – is the key to powerful leadership, productive communities and a purpose-driven self. It is a huge responsibility to get this right as we bring you the facts, the science and the awareness of a subject that is so relevant during these times. Our hope is that this series will be positive, enlightening and inclusive – sharing global stories of unparalleled human spirit fighting back from the darkest places, and the opportunity for us to understand ourselves and those around us better. I am incredibly proud to be working alongside Oprah on this vital series.\u201d

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En su mensaje, el pr\u00edncipe sostuvo que \u201cla buena salud mental es la clave para un liderazgo poderoso, comunidades productivas y el impulso propio con un prop\u00f3sito\u201d.

El duque agreg\u00f3 que espera que la serie resulte positiva e inclusiva y que se siente orgulloso de trabajar junto a Oprah.

Por su parte la presentadora tambi\u00e9n coment\u00f3 la publicaci\u00f3n, escribiendo que estaba \u201cencantada\u201d de la asociaci\u00f3n con el duque Sussex y expres\u00f3 que espera poder \u201ccambiar algunas vidas\u201d